Tear Gas Squad (Warner Bros.) (1940)

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ing with Exploitation! WOMEN’S FEATURE Interesting women's page feature can be promoted by playing on film situation wherein Gloria Dickson is torn between love for Dennis Morgan and John Payne, both policemen. Writer points out that cops’ wives and sweethearts lead extremely hazardous lives due to danger of the profession. SPOT HEADLINES Watch daily papers for crime headlines to make an attention-getting lobby display. Paste them up and head with copy reading, ‘Organized crime stopped its wave of terror when ‘Tear Gas Squad' went into action,'' or "When bullets couldn't stop ‘em, the 'Tear Gas Squad’ did.” ESSAY CONTEST Subject: "Should killers be fought against with deadly bullets, or merely apprehended without bodily harm by tear gas squads?"' Get crime prevention groups and students of sociology to write brief essays. Award passes for first ten best letters. DISPLAY WEAPONS Always good for certain situations is the kind of lobby display that calls for exhibit of gas bombs, grenades, handcuffs, billies, and similar paraphernalia. Copy nearby reads, "Do Not Touch... actual properties used during filming of ‘Tear Gas Squad'," or These are the weapons the 'Tear Gas Squad’ must use to clean up the underworld." FINGERPRINT PATRONS A fingerprinting demonstration for your lobby with police department cooperation. Sponsor drive to get everyone's fingerprints for police files in case of accidents or missing persons. MARQUEE SELLS SHOW Mount tear gas or machine guns on top of marquee. Guns can be secured from police, army post, American Legion, or National Guard unit. If possible, erect a runway around the marquee and have a blue uniformed guard patrol. Giant floodlights illuminate the display at night. Herald this picture with Ad 301. It’s made to sell thrill fans! TAG MAGS Reach the detective and gangster story fans via the popular magazines. Arrange with local distributor to supply you with back copies which are surprinted or tagged with stickers giving selling lines, billing, and playdate. Attractive gal hands ‘em out. Target TRUE ADVENTURES Promote contest or inquiring reporter tie-up for best answer to query, ''What was your most thrilling true-life adventure?"' Question arises from film's smashing climax wherein young patrolman risks his life in daredevil attempt to trap mobsters who shot his brother. Award passes for best answer. INVITE LOCALITES Invite warden of local prison, police chief, and prominent welfare workers to see picture. Use their comments in lobby, ad, and front displays. Point out that film was produced by the company that made ''Public Enemy”, "Little Caesar", "'G-Men", "Each Dawn | Die"", and ''They Made Me A Criminal”. INQUIRING REPORTER Inquiring reporter quizzes, "Do you think Police College an unnecessary burden on the taxpayers, or do you approve of the old tried and tested methods of training a policeman?" For best selling effect, reporter is stationed in street near theatre, or lobby. Practice Range Rookie policemen play an exciting part in the film. With the increasing popu larity of shooting ranges, erect range on empty lot near theatre. Those who hit bull’s eye win ducats to show. Plug comes in with displays and stills on film. Page Five