The Adventures of Mark Twain (Warner Bros.) (1944)

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eg ee a SET UP YOUR OWN FROG JUMPING EXHIBITION | 1. Contact all local boys clubs, civic centers, high schools and social welfare agencies and arrange for them to pick their representative frog jumping teams to compete in a community contest, to be staged either in your own theatre or in a local community auditorium. 2. Announce prizes for winner and runnersup through newspapers, in lobby display and in printed giveaway, described in next paragraph. Prizes can consist of War Bonds and guest seats to your opening. 3. Print advance giveaway or program detailing contest’s rules, prizes and other pertinent information. Be sure to include your playdate. Suggested general copy for giveaway to read as follows: “THE JUMPING FROG OF CALAVERAS” While out West prospecting for gold, Mark Twain heard a remarkable story. It concerned a certain gold prospector and how he won a sporting event in which the contestants were jumping frogs. In 1863, Mark ‘wain, today America’s most beloved humorist, wrote that story and a magazine pub lished it. The story won Mark Twain his first recognition as a writer and during Civil War days it was printed from one end of the country to the other. Millions have laughed with Mark ‘Twain about his famous jumping frogs of Calaveras County. The Mark Twain Frog Jumping Championship to be held (Date) at (Place) is inspired by this famous Twain story of the jumping frogs. To this day, men in Angels Camp, Calaveras County, California, annually observe the frog jumping event in Mark ‘Twain’s memory. FROG JUMPING RULES Frogs jump from a starting point and are allowed three jumps; the distance from the starting point to the end of their third jump being the official distance. (Reason for the three jumps is that a frog’s first jump is usually a “get set” jump; his big jump may either be recorded on his second or third attempt. ) The jumping arena will be a series of circles three or five feet apart; starting point exactly in the center. (The reason for the circles is so that spectators mav quickly estimate the distance jumped by each frog.) The distance jumped by each frog is measured by contest officials. FROG FACTS One of the secrets of successful frog jumping is to train the frog to jump in a straight line during his three jumps; the distance from the starting point to the end of his third jump is the only official mark. Should a frog make two jumps in a straight line and then reverse his field and jump back toward the starting point he loses his first two attempts. ‘ TRAINING OF FROGS Some owners favor various methods. It is important, however, that the frogs be kept in a cool, dark, and somewhat damp place immediately prior to the jump. A frog usually will jump away from the sun and will jump better if jumping towards water. (Frog owners are not permitted to use any mechanical or artificial device in urging frogs to jump.) A flick of the thumb is permitted on the first jump, but after that the owner is not permitted to touch the frog. (Vocal encouragement from the cheering sections is permitted. ) If the frog does not jump on any one of his three tries in sixty seconds it is immediately disqualified. (The official world’s record is 15 feet, 10 inches, and was set in Angels Campvseveral years ago.) Experience indicates that medium sized frogs are better jumpers than big, heavy frogs. (However, there are always exceptions. ) FOOD Regard to a frog’s diet, they will eat nothing dead ; their food consists of live flies, live insects. They should not be immersed in water, but should be kept damp. It is suggested that special box stables be provided. 4. Arrange for continuing newspaper coverage of the event, starting with frogs’ training sessions and winding up with invitation by winner to meet any other winner from nearby city for a regional competition. =