The Adventures of Mark Twain (Warner Bros.) (1944)

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NEWS AND RADIO BREAKS Vooke Sam Clemens an ihe Mississipal Wlih Tor Sawyer, Meek Fise. and 4 ee and His Dog, Seeking Buried Treasure | ae ae se a ae vhs Mark Pain as the Tes th 1 work ae now that he Sn _ CRITICA oo tc ; Eee po MeManusSpeqiing oj | _MOVI, Hans from id Mark YTwair Holleined brine fee jnming [ed 2 i ip = farrad © ennnres a) Mare pean: Mark Tica and Found Literary Mr. March Marches Backs To 1942 and ‘Mark Twain’ _ by vee Thirer Ad Ww the Warner ' : : i Fou se rede. : Movie « of the Mirror nae ns a | ‘hatens are cs s fan oF Selection Reviewed Fine current “EF -_ Z i E i 4 i ss i iz! w the current “Ps : : “8 Le im shat the eet st pean | | ARNER BROS. wlll give W: flim ography of the darnous hunwerist, 4, Sanuel cjemens, a real serdail~ sipnul kaneous premueres in 200 the iees during the week ot May 6. i Tesne L Lasky production, SILLY MILLY me a pn Mac Govern 5 a “ = ARE We Yeahit was | [ ahem!-it was funay ahem!-if was ahem! -So the Fike talking SERPENT ae ASRAMED ae funny when | || when | used it GO Fung when | Suet | could run 1d be ponent BE aaa rts years ago? ||_—_—sbed it 2500 out at Belmont 1 aand | | Vy] : ge used { every ( ol gag | 3 teu C cys ¢ ieft, the POURE Mise ice, been remarkabie M ak leon o,