The Big Shot (Warner Bros.) (1942)

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ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN—“THE BIG SHOT” _|-can pull any © job, or romance any gal | want! And there’s a fancy funeral for any guy that ays | can’t!” Saipan CLIMBS FROM THE GUTTER TO MAKE GANGLAND SHUDDER Mat 205 — 8% inches x 2 columns (244 lines) — 30¢ A WARNER BROS. HIT AND HIS LADY ed i“ — ce Bo Bas aia Bs A WARNER BROS. HIT IRENE MANNING She’s new, and wonderful! oPRPRBIERRRR BAER ‘ B ReaD aa take insta i eee atic fed ere LID UE gg UY!!! ly Ned a a Mat 106 FTL LER 17 inches STAMPS AEE URe EVEPREY | Mat 204 — 4% inches x 2 columns (124 lines) — 30¢ She's new, and wonderful! (257 lines) "RICHARD SUSAN STANLEY sch (For 3-column size of this ad, see page 8) TRAVIS * PETERS ° RIDGES Directed by Lewis Seiler STAM pS} 10