The Big Sleep (Warner Bros.) (1946)

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BILLING HUMPHREY BOGART LAUREN BACALL in “THE BIG SLEEP” with 100% 100% 100% MARTHA VICKERS — DOROTHY MALONE 40% A HOWARD HAWKS PRODUCTION Music by Max Steiner Screen Play by William Faulkner, Leigh Brackett and Jules Furthman ’ From the Novel by Raymond Chandler or Wa “THE BIG SLEEP” Phil Marlowe .............. HUMPHREY BOGART NT Pybrans c,h scoeses wenden ck de LAUREN BACALL Bitlis Mere aissccttevccs cess: +<siqesetzezscs John Ridgely CI Fo sacs cctv nee ete Martha Vickers PEOPPI@WOSS .....<.ceccsceese0scecserss Dorothy Malone Monet Mars. <.5..5éci0cccn Peggy Knudsen Darts OUle. isi siess.ciccssc.-ccsctageaces Regis Toomey General Sternwood ............. Charles Waldron Norris (Butler) ..................00 Charles D. Brown MI Sater hic connncgeeneus Bob Steele Harry JOn08 <........-.0-05-sesssareeElisha Cook, Jr. TIO OY sires thlerscvtiesvecon Louis Jean Heydt POM css canis tb casascdiwentaivnvedgmeonesas Sonia Darrin Cot; CRORIAGOE 5 siiicsevs ice ncsecs James Flavin Wilde — Dist. Atty. .............. Thomas Jackson Carol Lundgren ...........0:ssssss-serss Tom Rafferty Arthur Geiger .............:s000 Theodore Von Eltz CME, TO GIOE oo vss ciceocsserstannecesere Dan Wallace Taxicab Driver ..............csessseesseees Joy Barlowe Seren abe toyaeam te ose aaeenr ye Tom Fadden LR eer armen se ay Pepe Aare Ben Welden Fit TREE. civ ccshs htop as Trevor Bardette credits A Howard Hawks Production. Music by Max Steiner. Screen Play by William Faulkner, Leigh Brackett and Jules Furthman; From the Novel by Raymond Chandler. Directed by Howard Hawks. Photographed by Sid Hickox, A.S.C. Art Director, Carl Jules Weyl. Film Editor. Christian Nyby. Sound by Robert B. Lee. Set Decorations by Fred M. MacLean. Special Effects by E. Rey Davidson, Director—Warren E, Lynch, A.S.C. Wardrobe by Leah Rhodes. Makeup Artist, Perc Westmore, Musical Director, Leo F. Forbstein. Assistant Director, Robert Vreeland. 60% 3% 3% 2% STORY ‘The Big Sleep’ Stars Bogart— Lauren Bacall Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, one of filmdom’s most sensational couples, co-star in the special return engagement of Howard Hawks’ production of _ thriller “The Big Sleep.” The film is a tense story of murder and blackmail with a generous portion of fiery love in the BogartBacall manner. Adapted for the screen by Nobel prize-winner William Faulkner, “Leigh Brackett and Jules Furthman, “The Big Sleep” is based on the best-selling novel by Raymond Chandler. The screen drama will open ape ie at the ....... Theatre. SHORTS One of filmdom’s most sensational couples, Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, are starred in Howard Hawks’ production of Raymond Chandler’s “The Big Sleep.” The film story, adapted for the screen by William Faulkner, Leigh Brackett and Jules Furthman, is a tale of blackmail which has a payoff in murder and romance. Bogart is seen in the famous role of Phil Marlowe, private detective. Miss Bacall is the sultry daughter of a millionaire. “The Big Sleep” is Howard Hawks’ production of Raymond Chandler’s hard-hitting novel starring one of Hollywood’s most sensational couples, Bogart and Bacall. The film story begins with blackmail and ends in murder with Bogart, in the role of a private detective, romantically involved with the sultry daughter of a millionaire eccentric. Private detective Philip Marlowe (HUMPHREY BOGART), summoned to the home of bed-ridden General.Sternwood, meets the general’s two daughters, Vivian (LAUREN BACALL) and Carmen (MARTHA VICKERS). From his client, Marlowe learns that Carmen is being blackmailed. Vivian, in an effort to help her troubled sister, joins forces with Marlowe. Their investigation, bringing with it murder, leads them to Eddie Mars (JOHN RIDGELY), a big-time racketeer who would like Marlowe out of the way. Marlowe falls into the clutches of Eddie’s gunmen at their hideout where he also findsVivian who helps him escape. Rushing with her to confront Mars, Marlowe traps the underworld leader into confessing the murder of Carmen’s fiancee, believed missing, and convincing Vivian that her wild sister was his accomplice. Outside, Mars’ henchmen await to wipe out Marlowe. Instead, the detective forces Mars to go first and the latter meets death at his own direction. The case closes, Vivian and Marlowe admit their love. |vyEQ4e.UUEUHU.00000000E00E0UEHUUHUEEE0EEEUGEUOROGEOOEOEEOOUOEUOEUEROEOUEUGEONAUOEEUEEUAUOEUEROEOUEOOEOERUUEOOEEAOAUOUUOOAEUAEUOEUOEUEUOOEUOEEGEOGEOOGRUEUUEOSOHg UU OEOOUOOOGUOEUGEO OOOO HUMPHREY BOGART and LAUREN BACALL are seen in a romantic closeup from Howard Hawks’ production of the hard-hitting drama, “THE BIG SLEEP,” which begins a special return engagement Bes a heen atthe... 3s. ee Still 636-508 Theatre. Mat 636-2A LAUREN BACALL Still BACALL-71 Mat 636-1A ‘The Big Sleep’ Here Today Opening Day—. Filmdom’s' most sensational couple, Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, return to the screen in co-starring roles in Howard Hawks’ production “The Big Sleep,” which opens today at the Theatre. Blackmail which has it payoff in murder is the force behind the tense drama _ which paired Bogart and Bacall in this hit of action hits. Bogart is seen in one of his most famous portrayals as Philip Marlow, the private detective created by mystery writer Raymond Chandler. Bacall plays the part of the sultry daughter of a millionaire who hires the services of Humphrey Bogart. As directed by Howard Hawks “The Big Sleep” adds up to tense and dramatic entertainment. William Faulkner, winner of the Nobel prize for literature, wrote the screen adaptation with Leigh Brackett and Jules Furthman. HUMPHREY BOGART Still HB-337 Mat 636-1B