The Case of the Curious Bride (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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The Dead Return! Her husband returned from the grave to haunt her wedding night—— until ‘Perry Mason’ arrived on the scene with his brilliant bag of tricks. Warren William again takes the role of the astute lawyerdetective in “The Case of the Curious Bride,” the First National Clue Club mystery. Margaret Lindsay and Donald Woods above register fright—as you will, too, after you see what they’re looking at when the film comes to the Strand for a week’s engagement beginning... .. Mat No. 7—20c Latest Clue Club Detective Drama Has Unusual Cast Leading Roles in ‘Case of the Curious Bride’ Given to Mystery Film Favorites YSTERY fans have long recognized that the writing of a detective story required a special technique on the part of the author, which is why there are so few really suc cessful writers of detective fiction. It is now generally conceded that portraying these roles either for the stage or screen, also requires special ability, to which must be added experience, if the characters are to be convincing. It was because of this that First National Pictures, when selecting the cast for the latest of the thrillers it has produced as a Clue Club mystery, combed Hollywood for players who could do justice to WARREN WILLIAM in “The Case of the Curious Bride” at the eee ee eee Theatre. Mat No. 2 —10e the most popular of Erle Stanley Gardner’s “Perry Mason’ novels, “The Case of the Curious Bride,” Which Op@HsS AU THE -....iccccscscccsepecrosss "Phedtte ‘oats. ees It went without question that the role of Perry Mason would go to Warren William, whose remarkable work in another Clue Club mystery by the same author “The Case of the Howling Dog,” had so impressed the public that, from the day the picture was shown, Warren William was ‘Perry Mason,” and Mason was William. William had also played the lead in “The Mouthpiece” and his characterization of a criminal lawyer has been recognized as an outstanding work. With a star whom the author of the novel declared to be the exact “Perry Mason” he had imagined, it was necessary to fill the other leading roles adequately. For a leading lady, studio executives naturally turned to Margaret Lindsay, who made a remarkable impression by her work Page Ten in “Fog Over Frisco,” one of last season’s most successful thrillers. Allen Jenkins is so remarkable a comedian that he is constantly in demand for the big musical spectacles, but he has had plenty of experience in mystery pictures. Among his successes are “The Case of the Howling Dog” and “While the Patient Slept.” In “The Case of the Curious Bride” he is the bodyguard and confidant of Perry Mason. For the role of “Toots Howard” a police reporter who is a bit of a detective himself, Thomas Jackson was chosen. Jackson, detective film fans will recall, was the sleuth who finally landed “Little Caesar,” in the picture of that name. Romance is as necessary to a detective thriller as to any drama of life. So the casting directors had to provide a romantic actor who knows how to play in pictures of that type. First National had one in Donald Woods, who had made a distinct hit in “Fog Over Frisco,” as a dashing, young and fearless lover. Woods has a rather unsympathetic role in “The Case of the Curious Bride” which he portrays with rare skill. Warren Hymer, who has an important part in the picture, has played in many detective and mystery pictures, one of the most recent being “The Whole Town’s Talking.” “The Case of the Curious Bride” is a gripping, thrilling chronicle of one of the exploits of Perry Mason, the most popular character in current detective fiction. In addition to those named, it has a big cast of film favorites all of whom are thoroughly experienced in this type of work. Michael Curtiz directed. Tiny Boxer Knocks Oux Jenkins “Tiny” Lipson has a silent but impressive part in “The Case of the Curious Bride,” new First National mystery play now showing at the siesicchamettsecessieudeas Theatre, under the auspices of the Clue Club. The scene calls for Allen Jenkins, as the pugnacious shadow of “Perry Mason”—played by Warren William—to step up and “smack the first guy” he sees. The first arrival was “Tiny” Lipson who scales something like 250 pounds. So Jenkins smacked a little,fellow, who happened to be in real life “Pudgy” White, the boxer. “Pudgy” took a hefty swing to Jenkins’ chin and knocked him out instead. It is one of the big laugh scenes of the mystery picture, directed by Michael Curtiz. Miss Lindsay Has Fun Riding Cable Cars Margaret Lindsay, who has the leading feminine role in the First National mystery drama, “The Case of the Curious Bride,’ now BOWE BE TNE .........3-..cconsverasetoceeqncdiees Theatre, under the auspices of the Clue Club, found that cable cars and nickel fares—both a rarity in modern America— are still earmarks of San Francisco. Miss Lindsay was impressed by the fact when working on location in that city. “T took a regular postman’s holiday on the cable cars,” said the actress. “After we had finished the sequences of street scene shooting, I went for a nice long cable car ride just for the fun of it.” Warren William Wins Fishermen Fans Warren William, First National star, who is featured with Margaret Lindsay in “The Case of the Curious Bride,” the Clue Clab-mys— tery which comes to the ...............:00+ PE Th ah iccchanenencsial » gained new and unusual fans while on a location trip in San Francisco. William’s new followers are the salty and hard-boiled fishermen who make their headquarters at “Fisherman’s Wharf.” “It was very funny,” commented Miss Lindsay. “The fishermen weren’t at all interested in Warren’s acting — but when they saw that he knew all about nets and boats and things, you should have seen how they rushed him for autographs.” ‘Curious Bride’ She had killed—they said, until ‘Perry Mason’ one evening decided to clear up the mystery of the dead husband. Margaret Lindsay (above) portrays the role of the accused girl who is saved by ‘Perry Mason’, played by Warren William in “The Case of the Curious Bride.” It’s the newest and most exciting Clue Club chiller to date and arrives at the Sy rng set Theatre today. Mat No. 5—10c FEATURE STORIES MARGARET LUN DSL? WHO PLAYS THE BRIDE IN“ THE CASE OF THE CURIOUS BRIDE” SWEARS SHE HAS NEVER HAD A LOVE AFFAIR IN REAL LIFE FREAK FACS... . A007 HIM FAVORITES >) ALLEN JENKINS’ ~ COMPLEXION 1S ~~ JUST THE COLOR — OF THE USUAL — SCREEN MAKE— UP SO HE NEVER — D Vv OVxe LAUR Cow 146 Men ean These players appear in First National’s ““The Case of the Curious Bride,” now playing at the ........................ Theatre. Mat No. 1—20c Margaret Lindsay Insists on Tall Leading Actors Star of ‘Case Of The Prioas Bride’ is Above Average Woman in Height F there is one particular thing that Margaret Lindsay, Warner | Bros. player, has a particular “complex” on in connection with her screen work, it is her belief that she’s “too tall’. For that reason, she insists on being cast, whenever possible, opposite tall men. As a matter of fact, Miss Lindsay is actually five feet, five inches in height, and weighs 115 pounds. But she says: “When I get high heels on, I really seem tall alongside men who are even four or five inches taller than I am. That’s why I say that I like to work in a picture with tall men.” She has had her wish in “The Case of the Curious Bride,’ the First National production which comes to: thesisii..2.iidsd: Theatre co) Wei er er » under the auspices of the Clue Club. For Warren Wil liam, who has the leading male role —that of “Perry Mason” the attorney-detective — is well in the sixfoot class. Alongside of William, even in her high heels, Margaret appears anything but tall. While Miss Lindsay is definitely not Warren William’s “love interest” in the screen story, but is the “Curious Bride” of another man, the two make an ideal couple in scenes in which they are alone together. “The Case of the Curious Bride” gives Miss Lindsay an opportunity for some genuine emotional acting, plus a leavening of comedy for which she has become noted. Miss Lindsay, 24 years of age, is still unmarried and, with no rumors of romance just at present Huge Frisco Crowds Watch Film Work Huge crowds blocked the streets of San Francisco to watch the location shooting of “The Case of the Curious Bride,” the First National mystery drama _ which COMES LOAENG: Fos adhscckossssces tics Theatre ONL iechi sce tent ee ee » under the auspices of the Clue Club. One night, when it was necessary for the company to work far past midnight, there were several thousand persons still gathered on the street at 2 am., according to Michael Curtiz, director of the picture, which stars Warren William and Margaret Lindsay. going around about her, will probably not be a bride for some time to come. “Yes, indeed —I’m the curious MARGARET LINDSAY in “The Case of the Curious Bride” at the bride in this picture, all right,” she said, “It’s curious how many bridal parts I’ve had on the screen considering that I haven’t even considered wedding bells in real life.” The picture is a thrilling murder mystery drama spiced with humor, based on the story by Erle Stanley Gardner. There is an all star cast which includes besides William and Margaret Lindsay, Donald Woods, Claire Dodd, Allen Jenkins, Phillip Reed and Barton MacLane.