The Crash (Warner Bros.) (1928)

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| Buy These Accessories in Quantity and Get A Discount; They eee Make Your Lobby Attractive by Using Brilliant INSERT WINDOW \ CARD HERE ~ YOU'LL FIND FILMS GREATEST THRILLS IN “THE CRASH” (CURRENT READER) PELTON INSERT STILLNO. 109 } ENLARGED } picture patrons in “The Crash,” First National’s photoplay which is the current attraction at the ...... Se eee Theatre, with Milton Sills in the starring role. Sills has always been known as he “he man’ of the screen. In past pictures he has been called upon to perform some difficult ot Thrills of the sort you see once |feats, but in ‘The Crash” he surin a lifetime are in store for motion | passes anything he has ever done Colors on These Lobby Card Suggestions INSERT STILL NO. Al5P. ENLARGED on the scree’ ~both in scenes calling for strer ~h and courage. “The Cras} _ is a screen version of Frank L Packard’s magazine story, “‘The was directed 17 Edward Cline. The leading femi the role is played by Thelma Todé and others in the cast are William )Jemarest, Wade Boteler, Yola d’A\ ril, Sylvia Ashton and Fred Warren ; BRILLIANTLY COLORED WINDOW CARD INSERT CARD Page Eight Great First National . Trailers on all productions available exclusively through National Screen Service Inc. 130 W. 46th St., New York 1922 So. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles 845 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago Get in Touch With Them Now i recking Boss,’ and ill Bring in New Patrons Note Special Sliding Scale in LITHOGRAPHS 1-SHEETS 1 to 9......0000..-@ 156 each 10 to 49.............@ 11¢ each 50 or more..........@ 10c each 8-SHEETS to 4....@ 15c sh. or 45c each to 24....@ 11c¢ sh. or 33c each to 49....@ 10c sh. or 30c each or more. 9c sh. or 27c each 6-SHEETS 1to 4...@ 12!/c sh. or 75c ea. 5 to 14...@ 12c sh. or 72c ea. 15 to 99...@ 10c sh. or 60c ea. 100 or more@ 9c __ sh. or 54c ea. 24-SHEETS 1 to 4...@10c sh. or $2.40 each 5to 9...@ 9c sh. or 2.16 exch 10 to 19...@ 8c sh. or 1.92 each 20 to 49...@ 7c sh. or 1.68 each 50 or more @ 5c sh. or 1.20 each 11 x 14 PHOTOS 8 in set Plain DP OP 22 is cesisc classi «eaves O00 SO 3 or 4...... eeeeccceee e406 a set 5 or more..............3806 a set 8 in set—Colored WOR 2 Siikicnlidacceswe trav ehOe: a eet SOR Silek feet cecceees O56 a set 5 or more..............506 a set Please note that reductions on quantity purchases apply to accessories on the same picture. For instance, 10 one-sheets on a single picture will cost $1.10, but 10 one-sheets on two or more pictures will cost 15¢ each or $1.50. FREER A FEO OD A FIRST NATION eee e a 4 €: URE Prices of Advertising Accessories! 22 x 28 PHOTOS 2 in set—Colored POP 2..ccevcecccsccs ss sO0C @. Set 3 or 4...... ieee cows sete a Set 5 or more..........-...606 a set 14 x 36 INSERT CARDS 4 40: Soltis sinseade sine eee CaOn 10 £0 245 66 cece covcedes 0G each 25 to 74... . cece eceeeeee 18C each 75 or more........ «see+15¢ each WINDOW CARDS Vt04O oo 6 kite eens (20 OAR 50 to 99.........00006+. 66 each 100 or more............. 5¢ each SLIDES .........+2+22.15¢ each STERES. Geswass seeeeee. 106.0ach PRESS SHEETS ....... Gratis MUSIC CUES. ........... Gratis HERALDS (Sliding Scale Plan) Per 1000 From 1000 to 3000 ...... +. .$3.00 Over 3000 up to and includHIG: COO0 cs cys wanertieess aie 6 $2.85 Over 6000 up to and Including 10,000 ......... Pree, 4°) Over 10,000 ..........+0025 2 $2060 RAINBOW LOBBIES 8 £0. Seb a iicws occ ared $1.50 per set CUTS OR MATS 1 Col Scene Cut 25c. Mat 5c 2 Col. Scene Cut 40c. Mat 10c 1 Col. Ad Cut 35¢c. Mat 10c 2 Col Ad Cut 65c¢c. Mat 15c¢ 3 Col. Ad Cut $1.00. Mat 2c 4 Col. Ad Cut $1.25. Mat 25¢ Colored Heralds Supplied on All Releases ; ae lavas POM A Proruge ©