The writer's monthly (Jan-June 1916)

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MRS. RACHEL WEST CLEMENT Experienced Authors' Agent, Reader and Critic, Specializing in Short Stories. Reading fee, $1.00 for 5,000 words or under, includes short criticism. CIRCULARS ON REQUEST 6814 Chew St., Philadelphia, Pa. The Writer's Handbook WHERE TO SELL MANUSCRIPTS. 50 cents. 101 WAYS TO MAKE MONEY BY WRITING. 50 cents. THE ART OF SHORTSTORY WRITING SIMPLIFIED. 50 cents. THE ART OF VERSE MAKING. 50 cts. COMMON ERRORS IN SPEAKING AND WRITING and their Corrections. 50 cents. The above Set $2. Singly 50c. THE ART OF PHOTOPLAY WRITING $1.25. PROFITABLE ADVERTISING. How to Write and place copy. Cloth $1.00, Paper 75 cents. POPULAR SONGS. Instructs and gives addresses of publishers. 50 cents. All books by writers of authority. THE HANNIS JORDAN CO., Publishers 32 Union Square, East, New York City What New Thought Does It dissolves fear and worry. It brings power and poise. It dissolves the causes of disease, unhappiness and poverty. It brings health, new joy and prosperity. It dissolves family strife and discord. It brings co-operation and development. Ella Wheeler Wilcox Knows the value of New Thought; and she tells about it in the little booklet, "What I Know About New Thought." # More than 50,000 persons have sent for this booklet. FOR 10 CENTS you can get the above booklet and three months' trial subscription to Nautilus, leading magazine of the New Thought movement. Edwin Markham, William Walker Atkinson, Orison Swett Marden, Edward B. Warman, A. M., Horatio W. Dresser, Paul Ellsworth, Kate Atkinson Boehme, Lida A. Churchill and many others are regular contributors. Elizabeth Towne and William E. Towne are the editors. Send now and for prompt action we will include the booklet, "How To Get What You Want." The Elizabeth Towne Company, Dept. 960, Holyoke, Mass. THE ART OF VERSIFICATION By J. Berg Esenwtin and Mary Eleanor Roberts The most complete, practical and helpful working handbook ever issued on the Principles of Poetry and the Composition of all Forms of Verse. Clear and progressive in arrangement. Free from unexplained technicalities. Indispensable to every writer of verse. Money cheerfully refunded if not all that we claim for it. Cloth, XII+310 pp. Uniform with the Writer's Library. Postpaid $1.62. The 60-page chapter on "Light Verse" alone is worth the price to writers. THE WRITER'S MONTHLY Springfield, Mass. WRITERS OF FICTION AND PHOTOPLAYS New volume of the Authors' Hand Book Series ready " THE UNIVERSAL PLOT CATALOG " by Henry Albert Phillips. The Elements of Plot Material and Construction, Combined with a Complete Index and a Progressive Category in which the Source, Life and End of All Dramatic Conflict are Classified. A PRACTICAL TREATISE for Writers of Fiction, Photoplays and Drama; Editors, Teachers and Librarians. PRICE, Postpaid, $1.20 OTHER VOLUMES: "The Plot of the Short Story," $1.20; "Art in Short Story Narration," $1.20; "The Photodrama," $2.10. All 4 volumes, $5.00. "Photoplay" or "Story Markets" 10c each. "500 Books of Interest to Writers" sent FREE. Stanhope-Dodge Co.,Dept.3-V,Larchmont,N.Y. AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO (The American Esperantist) $1.00 per year An international monthly in English and Esperanto, — the international language. "I never understood English grammar so well until I began the study of Esperanto." Send 10c for sample copy and receive a "Key to Esperanto" FREE. The American Esperantist Co., Inc. Dept. W WEST NEWTON, MASS. SONG LYRICS AND MELODIES Why try to market a lyric or a melody that possesses no commercial value? Why become a victim to the honeyed words of the song shark? A good song by a beginner may not bring a fortune in royalties, but if properly marketed it will bring some financial returns and afford the tyro a ■tart. The Writer's Monthly for a small fee will examine your lyric or song, give you a frank and detailed criticism on it, tell you whether it has any commercial and poetical value, and give you a list of publishers most likely to purchase it. Should the song contain sufficient merit, our Song Department will market same for you on a 10% commission basis, provided you are willing to sell your work outright. Reading fee for separate lyric . 1.10 Reading fee for a complete song. 2.S0 Addbess: Song Dept., Writer's Monthly Springfield, Mass. (Rsturn postage should accompany all manuscripts) Please mention The Writer's Monthly when writing advertisers,